


    徐加俊,吉林大学博士(2020-2023),于202310月入职河北大学化学与材料科学学院,现为河北大学校聘副教授,硕士研究生导师。主要从事近红外功能/靶向性分子探针的开发及其一体化精准诊疗研究。迄今为止,Nat. Commun.Sci. Adv.Adv. Mater.Nano Lett.Adv. Healthc. Mater.Chem. Eng. J.Theranostics; J. Mater. Chem. A;  Carbohyd. Polym.等知名学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,授权发明专利2项,获吉林省科学技术二等奖1项。其中以第一/共一作者身份发表SCI论文11篇, H因子10,并主持河北大学高层次人才科研启动项目1项。

联系方式:E-mail: jjxu_bio@hbu.edu.cn jjxu_bio@163.com




  1. 设计合成近红外功能/靶向性探针

  2. 开发多种宏观/微观载药体系(凝胶/纳米粒子)

   3. 对临床相关疾病模型进行活体、离体的可视化诊疗研究


(1).  Jiajun Xu, Ningning Zhu, Yijing Du, Tianyang Han, Xue Zheng, Jia Li, Shoujun Zhu*Biomimetic NIR-II fluorescent proteins created from chemogenic protein-seeking dyes for multicolor deep-tissue bioimaging. Nature Communications, 2024, 15, 2845.

(2).  Jiajun Xu, Yijing Du, Tianyang Han, Ningning Zhu, Shoujun Zhu*. Protein@cyanine-based NIR-II lymphography enables the supersensitive visualization of lymphedema and tumor lymphatic      metastasis. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2023, 12, 2301051.

(3).  Jiajun Xu,Tianyang Han, Yajun Wang, Feiran Zhang, Mengfei Li, Lang Bai, Xinyu Wang, Bin Sun, Xin Wang, Jianshi Du, Kun Liu, Junhu Zhang, and Shoujun Zhu*. Ultrabright renal-clearable cyanine-protein nanoprobes for high-quality NIR-II angiography and lymphography. Nano Letters. 2022, 22, 7965−7975.

(4).  Jiajun XuRining Jin, Xiuyan Ren*, Guanghui Gao*. A wide temperature-tolerant hydrogel electrolyte mediated by phosphoric acid towards flexible supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 413, 127446.

(5).  Jiajun Xu, Rining Jin, Xiuyan Ren*, Guanghui Gao*. Fish-inspired anti-icing hydrogel sensors with low temperature adhesion and toughness. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 9373–9381.

(6).  Jiajun XuRining Jin, Xiuyan Ren*, Guanghui Gao*. Cartilage-inspired hydrogel strain sensors with ultrahigh toughness, good self-recovery and stable anti-swelling properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 25441–25448.

(7).  Jiajun Xu, Guangyu Wang, Yufan Wu, Xiuyan Ren*, Guanghui Gao*. Ultra-stretchable wearable strain and pressure sensors base on adhesive, tough and self-healing hydrogels for human motion monitoring. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 25613−25623.

(8).  Jiajun Xu, Rining Jin, Lijie Duan, Xiuyan Ren*, Guanghui Gao*. Tough, adhesive and conductive polysaccharide hydrogels mediated by ferric solution. Carbohydrate. Polymers, 2019, 211, 1–10.

(9).  Jiajun Xu, Xiuyan Ren*, Guanghui Gao. Salt-inactive hydrophobic association hydrogels with fatigue resistant and self-healing properties. Polymer, 2018, 150, 194–203.

(10).  Feiran Zhang+, Jiajun Xu+, Chengbin Zhang+, Yin Li, Jiawei Gao, Limei Qu*, Songling Zhang*, Shoujun Zhu*, Junhu Zhang*, Bai Yang. Three-dimensional histological electrophoresis for high-throughput cancer margin detection in multiple types of tumor specimens.   Nano Letters. 2023, 23, 7607−7614.

(11).  Ningning Zhu+, Jiajun Xu+, Qi Su, Tianyang Han, Ding Zhou*, Yuewei Zhang*, Shoujun Zhu*, Site-specific albumin tagging with NIR-II fluorogenic dye for high-performance and super-stable bioimaging. Theranostics, 2024,14,1860-1872.


河北大学高层次人才科研启动项目( 2023-2027年, 主持人)
