梁淑轩, 河北定州人,博士,教授,博士生导师。2003年获得理学博士学位,2005年赴University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)学习,2006-2007清华大学访问学者。主要从事环境与食品分析,在Chemical Engineering Journal, Food Chemistry,Applied Surface Science, Chemosphere等期刊发表论文200余篇,作为主编/副主编出版《中国市售水果蔬菜农药残留报告》、《中国市售茶叶农药残留报告》、《生物链调控湖泊富营养化技术——北方浅水湖泊白洋淀》等专著30余部;授权发明专利6件,先后主持十一五、十二五国家“水体污染控制与治理”科技重大专项专题、河北省自然科学基金、河北省教育厅重点项目等40余项课题。
E-mail: liangsx168@126.com
1. 主讲课程:环境分析与监测、基础分析化学实验
2. 研究方向:基于多孔骨架材料的样品前处理新方法;新污染物筛查与溯源分析;白洋淀生态环境监测与评价
1. Shumin Lin, Zhe Zhao, Jiapei Lv, Li Guan, Hui Du, Shu-xuan Liang*. Designing a novel metal-organic framework@covalent organic framework composite for the selective removal of fluoroquinolones: Adsorption behaviors and theoretical investigation, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 609, 155433 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155433
2. Hong Wang, Hao Tian, Lian-feng Ai*, Shu-xuan Liang*. Screening and quantification of 146 veterinary drug residues in beef and chicken using QuEChERS combined with high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole orbitrap mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry, 2023, 408: 135207 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.135207
3. Zhe Zhao, Shumin Lin, Zhendong Yu, Ming Su, Bolong Liang, Shu-Xuan Liang*, Xue-Hai Ju. Facile synthesis of triazine-based microporous organic network for high-efficient adsorption of flumequine and nadifloxacin: A comprehensive study on adsorption mechanisms and practical application potentials, Chemosphere 2023, 315: 137731 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137731
4. Zhe Zhao, Bolong Liang, Menglu Wang, Qi Yang, Ming Su*, Shu-xuan Liang*. Microporous carbon derived from hydroxyl functionalized organic network for efficient adsorption of flumequine: Adsorption mechanism and application potentials, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427: 130943 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.130943
5. Meng-lu Wang, Zhe Zhao, Shumin Lin, Ming Su, Bolong Liang, Shu-xuan Liang*. New insight into the co-adsorption of oxytetracycline and Pb(II) using magnetic metal-organic frameworks composites in aqueous environment: Co-adsorption mechanisms and application potentials. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-19339-z
6. Qiong Liu, Chang Liu, Zhe Zhao, Shu-xuan Liang*. Prioritization of micropollutants in municipal wastewater and the joint inhibitory effects of priority organic pollutants on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67, Aquatic Toxicology, 2022, 252: 106288 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2022.106288
7. Shu-xuan Liang*, Hui Li, Qiaoying Chang, Ruobin Bai, Zhe Zhao, Guo-fang Pang*. Residual levels and dietary exposure risk assessment of banned pesticides in fruits and vegetables from Chinese market based on long-term nontargeted screening by HPLC-Q-TOF/MS, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 248: 114280 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.114280
8. Shumin Lin, Zhe Zhao, Yun-kai Lv, Shigang Shen*, Shu-xuan Liang*. Recent advances in porous organic frameworks for sample pretreatment of pesticide and veterinary drug residues: A review. Analyst, 2021, 146, 7374-7397 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/AN/D1AN00988E
9. Bolong Liang, Xi-liang Li, Ke Ma, Shu-xuan Liang*. Pollution characteristics of metal pollutants in PM2.5 and comparison of risk on human health in heating and non-heating seasons in Baoding, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 170: 166-171 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.11.075
10. Shu-xuan Liang, Zhe Zhao, Chun-lin Fan, Jian-zhong Xu, Hui Li, Qiao-ying Chang, Guo-fang Pang∗. Fipronil residues and risk assessment of Chinese marketed fruits and vegetables: A long-term investigation over 6 years. Food Control, 2019, 106: 106734 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106734
4. 白洋淀水质保障关键技术研究与应用(项目编号:21374203D),河北省重点研发计划项目资源与环境专项(2021-2023,任务2主持人)
7. 白洋淀流域水生生物保护水质基准和优控污染物水质标准研究(项目编号:20374204D),河北省重点研发计划项目资源与环专项(2020-2022,任务2主持人)
8. 有机网络材料制备及其固相萃取食品抗生素残留研究(项目编号:CXZZBS2020172020),河北省博士研究生创新资助项目(2020-2021,指导教师)
9. 白洋淀周边典型区域重金属多介质富集机制及生态风险评价,河北省自然科学基金课题(2018-2020,主持人)
梁淑轩,邓浩伟,仝恩从,秦哲,赵春霞。一种强效脱氮的污水处理系统及方法,专利号:ZL 2019 1 0823662.1,授权公告日:2021.12.14
梁淑轩,王靖飞,秦哲,田在峰,马珂,康全影,赵中庆,马雄飞,荣楠。一种工业废水中挥发/半挥发难降解有机污染物的鉴别方法. 专利号:ZL 2015 1 057416.1,授权公告日:2016.8.24